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All 213 python 53 django 47 hacktoberfest 16 wagtail 14 javascript 7 python3 6 awesome 5 css 5 webpack 5 webpack-plugin 5 awesome-list 4 cli 4 django-admin 4 github 4 macos 4 redis 4 shell 4 terminal 4 ansible 3 cms 3 linter 3 monitoring 3 task 3 api 2 aws 2 bootstrap 2 browser-extension 2 cache 2 caching 2 cask 2 chrome-extension 2 client 2 command-line 2 commenting 2 database 2 developer-tools 2 discord 2 django-orm 2 django-oscar 2 documentation 2 e-commerce 2 homebrew 2 http 2 jquery 2 jquery-plugin 2 node 2 notifications 2 osx 2 postcss 2 postgresql 2 privacy 2 python-library 2 queue 2 reactjs 2 rest 2 security 2 settings 2 sql 2 static-site-generator 2 style-guide 2 styleguide 2 svg 2 task-manager 2 task-queue 2 task-runner 2 task-scheduler 2 templates 2 wagtail-cms 2 web 2 actions 1 actions-list 1 active-desktop 1 admin 1 album 1 amazon 1 amqp 1 analytics 1 analyze 1 ansible-role 1 app 1 apple 1 asgi 1 assets 1 async 1 asyncio 1 audio 1 autocomplete 1 awesome-lists 1 awesome-stars 1 aws-cli 1 aws-cloudformation 1 aws-cloudwatch-logs 1 background-jobs 1 badge 1 badge-maker 1 bash 1 blog 1 blogging 1 bot 1 breadcrumbs 1 buildbot-numtide 1 bundle 1 captcha 1 cbv 1 cbvs 1 ccmenu 1 celery 1 celery-task 1 celerybeat 1 chart 1 cheatsheet 1 ci 1 ci-cd 1 cicd 1 class-based 1 class-based-views 1 clean 1 click 1 clipboard 1 cloud 1 cloud-management 1 cloudformation-template 1 cloudwatch-logs 1 cms-framework 1 command 1 commandline-interface 1 comment-spam 1 comment-system 1 commenting-engines 1 comments 1 comments-widget 1 configuration 1 container 1 containers 1 continuous-delivery 1 continuous-integration 1 cookies 1 country 1 country-codes 1 country-flags 1 cpplint 1 crawler 1 crawling 1 cruisecontrol 1 css-assets 1 css-framework 1 css-processor 1 cssnano 1 curated-list 1 curl 1 dank 1 data 1 date 1 datetime 1 debugging 1 delayed-jobs 1 delayed-tasks 1 dependency-graph 1 desktop-wallpaper 1 development 1 direnv 1 discord-api 1 discord-bot 1 discord-py 1 discord-webhook-notifications 1 discord-webhooks 1 disk-encryption 1 distributed-lock 1 django-application 1 django-braces 1 django-cms 1 django-cms-plugin 1 django-fluent 1 django-formsets 1 django-hijack 1 django-imagekit 1 django-photo-gallery 1 django-rest-framework-addon 1 django-webpack-loader 1 dnscrypt-proxy 1 docker 1 docker-container 1 dump 1 dynamic 1 dynamic-forms 1 dynamic-wallpaper 1 ec2-container-service 1 ecommerce 1 ecs 1 elasticcontainerservice 1 environment 1 examples 1 extension 1 extensions 1 feincms-widget 1 filter 1 filter-dropdown 1 firefox-addon 1 fish 1 flask 1 font 1 fontawesome 1 forhumans 1 form-builder 1 form-designer 1 form-generator 1 form-wizards 1 formatter 1 forms 1 framework 1 functional-css 1 geodjango 1 gettext 1 git 1 gitbook 1 github-actions 1 github-extension 1 gocd 1 google-maps 1 hacktoberfest2021 1 help 1 hot-reload 1 html 1 humans 1 i18n 1 icon-css 1 icons 1 input 1 interactive 1 internationalization 1 intrusion-detection 1 jakubroztocil 1 jenkins 1 job-queue 1 jquery-tags 1 json 1 leaflet 1 libsass 1 linux 1 list 1 litestar 1 litestar-api 1 litestar-framework 1 macbook-configuration 1 macbook-security 1 macos-app 1 macos-security 1 macos-setup 1 macosx 1 markdown 1 menu 1 menu-generator 1 menu-navigation 1 menus 1 messages 1 metadata 1 metrics 1 mezzanine-page-processor 1 minification 1 minify 1 minimisation 1 minimization 1 minimizer 1 minimizes 1 msgspec 1 multi-platform 1 multilingual 1 navigation 1 node-sass 1 objective-c 1 open-street-map 1 openapi 1 optimisation 1 orm 1 oscar 1 pallets 1 pep8 1 perfmatters 1 performance 1 performance-analysis 1 performance-dashboard 1 performance-metrics 1 photo-gallery 1 pip 1 plash 1 postgres 1 profile-readme 1 programming 1 pydantic 1 pyflakes 1 pypi 1 python-2 1 python-3 1 python-libary 1 python-logging 1 python-requests 1 python2 1 queue-tasks 1 queue-workers 1 queued-jobs 1 rabbit 1 rapidoc 1 readme 1 readme-generator 1 readme-stats 1 recaptcha 1 recaptcha-v3 1 recaptchav2 1 redis-queue 1 redoc 1 remark42 1 requests 1 responsive 1 restful 1 restful-api 1 role 1 rq 1 ruby 1 ruff 1 rust 1 rustpython 1 sass-files 1 scraping 1 scss 1 scss-files 1 select 1 self-hosted 1 server 1 serverless 1 setup 1 shell-extension 1 shop 1 sitespeed 1 sitetree 1 size 1 sqs 1 sqs-queue 1 star 1 starlite 1 starlite-api 1 starred 1 static 1 static-analysis 1 static-code-analysis 1 static-site 1 status 1 streamfield 1 sublime-text 1 sublimelinter 1 summernote 1 svg-icons 1 svg-sprites 1 swagger 1 swift 1 swiftui 1 system 1 tag-input 1 tagging 1 tags 1 tailwindcss 1 tcsh 1 thoughtworks 1 time 1 timezones 1 tldr 1 translation 1 travis-ci 1 travis-scripts 1 travis-webhooks 1 treemap 1 uglify 1 utilities 1 utility 1 utility-classes 1 video 1 views 1 wagtail-page 1 wagtail-plugin 1 wallpaper 1 web-scraping 1 web-scraping-python 1 webfont 1 webhook 1 webpack-bundle-analyzer 1 webperf 1 windows 1 workers 1 wysiwyg 1 zsh 1 None 90
137 results for stars written in Python Clear filter
rdegges / django-sslify Force SSL on your Django site. Python 336 48
scrapy / scrapy Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python. crawlercrawlingframeworkhacktoberfestpythonscrapingweb-scrapingweb-scraping-pythonscrapy.orgPython 51.5K 10.4K
martinblech / xmltodict Python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON Python 5.4K 466
SublimeLinter / SublimeLinter The code linting framework for Sublime Text linterpythonsublime-textsublimelinterwww.sublimelinter.com/Python 2K 271
bradmontgomery / django-querycount Middleware that Prints the number of DB queries to the runserver console. databasedebuggingdeveloper-toolsdjangopythonPython 382 33
barseghyanartur / django-fobi Form generator/builder application for Django done right: customisable, modular, user- and develope… djangodjango-cms-plugindjango-rest-framework-addondynamic-formsfeincms-widgetform-builderform-designerform-generatorform-wizardsformsmezzanine-page-processorpythonwagtail-pagepypi.python.org/pypi/django-f…Python 481 112
maguowei / starred creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars! awesomeawesome-listawesome-starsstarstarredgithub.com/maguowei/awesome-s…Python 1.5K 89
idlesign / django-sitetree Reusable application for Django introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements. breadcrumbsdjangomenumenu-generatormenu-navigationnavigationpythonsitetreegithub.com/idlesign/django-si…Python 347 134
mgrouchy / django-stronghold Get inside your stronghold and make all your Django views default login_required mikegrouchy.com/django-strong…Python 391 49
pallets / click Python composable command line interface toolkit cliclickpalletspythonclick.palletsprojects.comPython 15.2K 1.4K
jschneier / django-storages https://django-storages.readthedocs.io/ djangopythonPython 2.7K 844
agateblue / django-dynamic-preferences Dynamic global and instance settings for your django project configurationdjangopythonpython2python3settingsdjango-dynamic-preferences.re…Python 339 86
neon-jungle / wagtail-metadata A tool to assist with metadata for social media and search engines. Python 116 23
sdispater / pendulum Python datetimes made easy datedatetimepythonpython3timetimezonespendulum.eustace.ioPython 6.1K 371
coderedcorp / wagtail-cache A simple page cache for Wagtail based on the Django cache middleware. cachecachingdjangowagtailPython 81 26
psf / requests A simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. clientcookiesforhumanshttphumanspythonpython-requestsrequestsrequests.readthedocs.io/en/la…Python 51.7K 9.2K
django-fluent / django-fluent-contents A widget engine to display various content on Django pages cms-frameworkdjango-admindjango-fluentdjango-fluent.org/Python 149 39
jazzband / django-widget-tweaks Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions. CSS classes and … Python 2K 135
jazzband / dj-database-url Use Database URLs in your Django Application. pypi.org/project/dj-database-…Python 1.5K 202
gaqzi / django-emoji A simple django app to use emojis on your website ⛺ pypi.python.org/pypi/django-e…Python 109 19
noripyt / django-cachalot No effort, no worry, maximum performance. cachedjangoperformancepythondjango-cachalot.readthedocs.ioPython 1.2K 147
jazzband / django-debug-toolbar A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/respo… django-debug-toolbar.readthed…Python 8K 1K
jazzband / django-categories This app attempts to provide a generic category system that multiple apps could use. It uses MPTT f… Python 456 135
jazzband / django-robots A Django app for managing robots.txt files following the robots exclusion protocol django-robots.readthedocs.ioPython 457 95
jazzband / django-taggit Simple tagging for django django-taggit.readthedocs.ioPython 3.3K 623
jazzband / django-sortedm2m A transparent sorted ManyToMany field for django. pypi.org/project/django-sorte…Python 511 149
jazzband / django-analytical Analytics services for Django projects analyticsdjangopythontemplatesPython 1.2K 167
jazzband / django-polymorphic Improved Django model inheritance with automatic downcasting djangodjango-admindjango-formsetsdjango-ormdjango-polymorphic.readthedoc…Python 1.6K 275
brutasse / django-password-reset Class-based views for password reset django-password-reset.readthe…Python 276 137
django-fluent / django-fluent-comments A modern, ajax-based appearance for django comments comment-spamcommentingdjangodjango-fluent.org/Python 181 91
jazzband / django-configurations A helper for organizing Django project settings by relying on well established programming patterns. django-configurations.readthe…Python 1.1K 143
jazzband / django-simple-menu Simple, yet powerful, code-based menus for Django applications Python 261 80
thelabnyc / wagtail_blog A wordpress like blog app implemented in wagtail. Please open issues and merge requests only in git… gitlab.com/thelabnyc/wagtail_…Python 254 72
Rapptz / discord.py An API wrapper for Discord written in Python. botdiscorddiscord-apidiscord-botdiscord-pypythonpython-3discordpy.rtfd.org/en/latestPython 14.5K 3.7K
jazzband / wagtailmenus An app to help you manage and render menus in your Wagtail projects more effectively djangomenuspythonwagtailPython 390 138
matthiask / django-translated-fields Django model translation without magic-inflicted pain. django-translated-fields.read…Python 103 12
celery / celery Distributed Task Queue (development branch) amqppythonpython-librarypython3queue-tasksqueue-workersqueued-jobsredisredis-queuesqssqs-queuetask-managertask-runnertask-schedulerdocs.celeryq.devPython 23.9K 4.6K
SmileyChris / django-countries A Django application that provides country choices for use with forms, flag icons static files, and… country-codesdjangopythonpypi.python.org/pypi/django-c…Python 1.4K 289
summernote / django-summernote Simply integrate Summernote editor with Django project. djangosummernotewysiwygPython 1K 223
GaretJax / django-click Write Django management command using the click CLI library Python 240 18
celery / django-celery-beat Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the Django ORM celerycelery-taskcelerybeatdjangodjango-ormpythonpython-libarypython-librarypython3Python 1.6K 417
feincms / feincms A Django-based CMS with a focus on extensibility and concise code www.feincms.org/Python 915 231
twaddington / django-gravatar Essential Gravatar support for Django. Features helper methods, templatetags and a full test suite! Python 148 33
pinax / pinax-likes a liking app for Django Python 157 31
rossp / django-menu Simple Django website navigation system Python 124 56
redouane / django-fontawesome a django app that provides a couple of fontawesome/django related utilities Python 62 73
torchbox / wagtailmedia A Wagtail module for managing video and audio files within the admin audiodjangohacktoberfeststreamfieldvideowagtailwagtail-pluginpypi.org/project/wagtailmedia/Python 224 70
longclawshop / longclaw A shop for Wagtail CMS djangoe-commercepythonpython-2python3shopwagtailwagtail-cmsPython 390 83
chubin / cheat.sh the only cheat sheet you need cheatsheetclicommand-linecurldocumentationexampleshacktoberfest2021helpterminaltldrcheat.sh/Python 37.8K 1.8K
farhan0581 / django-admin-autocomplete-filter A simple Django app to render list filters in django admin using autocomplete widget. djangodjango-adminPython 344 73
PyCQA / autoflake Removes unused imports and unused variables as reported by pyflakes formatterhacktoberfestlinterpyflakespythonpypi.org/project/autoflake/Python 870 80
donnemartin / saws A supercharged AWS command line interface (CLI). awsaws-clicliclientcloudcloud-managementdeveloper-toolsdevelopmentlinuxmacosprogrammingpythonshellterminalutilitiesutilitywindowsPython 5.2K 281
amitu / importd django based mini framework inspired from sinatra. fully compatible with django. amitu.com/importd/Python 511 30
bennylope / django-taggit-labels Clickable label widget for django-taggit djangopythontagsPython 68 24
django-cache-machine / django-cache-machine Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models through the ORM. cache-machine.readthedocs.org…Python 870 161
yourlabs / django-autocomplete-light A fresh approach to autocomplete implementations, specially for Django. Status: v4 alpha, v3 stable… autocompletedjangopythondjango-autocomplete-light.rea…Python 1.8K 465
goinnn / django-multiselectfield A Multiple Choice model field Python 432 206
adamchainz / django-cors-headers Django app for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Python 5.3K 535
hovel / imagestore Django gallery solution. Python 164 72
wagtail / bakerydemo Next generation Wagtail demo, born in Reykjavik hacktoberfestwagtailPython 910 529
aristocratos / bpytop Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor Python 9.9K 399
wagtail / django-modelcluster Django extension to allow working with 'clusters' of models as a single unit, independently of the … Python 474 65
arneb / django-messages A Django application handling private messages between users. djangomessagesPython 546 245
wagtail / wagtail A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience cmsdjangohacktoberfestpythonwagtailwagtail.orgPython 17.5K 3.7K
wagtail-nest / wagtail-bakery A set of helpers for baking your Django Wagtail site out as flat files. djangostatic-site-generatorwagtailPython 174 40
wagtail / wagtailtrans A Wagtail add-on for supporting multilingual sites multilingualwagtailwagtailtrans.readthedocs.io/Python 104 60
wagtail / wagtail-personalisation Rule-based personalisation for Wagtail CMS djangowagtailwagxperience.io/Python 117 34
bndr / pipreqs pipreqs - Generate pip requirements.txt file based on imports of any project. Looking for maintaine… Python 5.9K 376
andrewpetrochenkov / github42.com-basePython 1
andrewpetrochenkov / github-manager.com-basePython 1
bread-and-pepper / django-userena Accounts for Django made beautifully simple django-userena.readthedocs.orgPython 1.3K 409
django-recaptcha / django-recaptcha Django reCAPTCHA form field/widget integration app. djangopythonrecaptcharecaptcha-v3recaptchav2pypi.org/project/django-recap…Python 979 260
bigjason / django-choices Sanity to the django choices functionality. Python 175 22
palewire / django-bakery A set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files class-based-viewsdjangopythonstatic-sitestatic-site-generatorpalewi.re/docs/django-bakery/Python 402 61
modlinltd / django-advanced-filters Add advanced filtering abilities to Django admin admindjangofilterpythonpypi.org/project/django-advan…Python 752 169
jkbrzt / django-settings-export Access Django settings from templates the right way™ djangodjango-applicationjakubroztocilpythonsettingstemplatespypi.org/project/django-setti…Python 188 19
wildfish / django-star-ratings Star ratings for your Django models with a single template tag. Python 3 compatible. Python 300 96
radiac / django-tagulous Fabulous Tagging for Django radiac.net/projects/django-ta…Python 332 65
kislyuk / watchtower Python CloudWatch Logging: Log Analytics and Application Intelligence awsaws-cloudwatch-logscloudwatch-logspythonpython-loggingkislyuk.github.io/watchtower/Python 763 111
mrts / django-admin-list-filter-dropdown Use dropdowns in Django admin list filter djangodjango-adminfilter-dropdownnodePython 308 48
Frojd / wagtail-geo-widget Wagtail-Geo-Widget is the complete map solution for your Wagtail site. geodjangogoogle-mapsleafletopen-street-mapwagtailPython 136 38
carltongibson / django-filter A generic system for filtering Django QuerySets based on user selections django-filter.readthedocs.io/…Python 4.4K 757
cobrateam / django-htmlmin HTML minifier for Python frameworks (not only Django, despite the name). hacktoberfestpypi.python.org/pypi/django-h…Python 542 73
joeyespo / grip Preview GitHub README.md files locally before committing them. commandline-interfaceflaskgithubhtmlpythonreadmePython 6.4K 420
Bogdanp / dramatiq A fast and reliable background task processing library for Python 3. distributed-lockpythonrabbitredistasktask-managertask-runnertask-schedulerdramatiq.ioPython 4.1K 296
Bogdanp / django_dramatiq A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq. djangopythonqueuedramatiq.ioPython 330 76
infoportugal / wagtail-modeltranslation Simple app to patch modeltranslation (https://github.com/deschler/django-modeltranslation) into Wag… Python 149 117
caktus / django-treenav Extensible, hierarchical, and pluggable navigation system for Django sites Python 130 34
cenkalti / github-flask 🍾 Flask extension for GitHub API github-flask.readthedocs.orgPython 264 88
henu / bigjson Python library that reads JSON files of any size. Python 193 26
labd / django-oscar-wagtail Wagtail integration for Oscar Commerce (or Oscar Commerce integration for Wagtail?) djangodjango-oscare-commercewagtailPython 100 32
gintas / django-picklefield A pickled object field for Django Python 179 47
wbond / package_control_channel Default channel file for Package Control. Follow the directions at: packagecontrol.io/docs/develo…Python 1.2K 3.6K
danirus / django-comments-xtd A pluggable Django comments application with thread support, follow-up notifications, mail confirma… commentsdjangojavascriptpythonreactjsdjango-comments-xtd.readthedo…Python 594 158
brack3t / django-braces Reusable, generic mixins for Django cbvcbvsclass-baseddjangodjango-bracespythonviewsdjango-braces.readthedocs.org…Python 1.9K 218
APSL / puput A Django blog app implemented in Wagtail blogbloggingcmsdjangowagtailPython 610 161
mattrobenolt / ec2 Sugar on top of boto for accessing EC2 instances and security groups Python 141 13
ctxis / django-admin-view-permission Reusable application which provides a view permission for the existing models. Python 150 40
django-guardian / django-guardian Per object permissions for Django hacktoberfestdjango-guardian.readthedocs.i…Python 3.6K 562
dbader / schedule Python job scheduling for humans. schedule.readthedocs.io/Python 11.6K 950
django-webpack / django-webpack-loader Transparently use webpack with django assetsdjangodjango-webpack-loaderjavascriptreactjsstaticwebpackPython 2.5K 336
bartTC / django-attachments A generic Django application to attach Files (Attachments) to any model. Python 293 90
litestar-org / litestar Production-ready, Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API framework | Effortlessly Build Performant… apiasgiasynciohacktoberfestlitestarlitestar-apilitestar-frameworkmsgspecopenapipydanticpythonrapidocredocreststarlitestarlite-apiswaggerlitestar.dev/Python 5K 347
tox-dev / pipdeptree A command line utility to display dependency tree of the installed Python packages dependency-graphpippythonpypi.python.org/pypi/pipdeptr…Python 2.7K 147
aws-cloudformation / aws-cloudformation-templates A collection of useful CloudFormation templates aws-cloudformationcloudformation-templatePython 4.6K 4.2K
django-hijack / django-hijack-admin Django admin site integration for Django Hijack Python 79 38
jacobian / dj-database-url Use Database URLs in your Django Application. pypi.org/project/dj-database-…Python 1.5K 192
romgar / django-dirtyfields Tracking dirty fields on a Django model djangopythonPython 617 114
Suor / django-cacheops A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation. cachingdjangoormpythonPython 2.1K 222
coleifer / huey a little task queue for python dankpythonqueueredistask-queuehuey.readthedocs.io/Python 5K 366
justinmayer / django-autoslug AutoSlugField for Django. Supports (but not does not require) unidecode/pytils for transliteration.… readthedocs.org/projects/djan…Python 292 106
richardbarran / django-photologue A customizable plug-in photo gallery management application for the Django web framework. djangophoto-galleryPython 673 239
django-hijack / django-hijack With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know thei… djangodjango-hijackpythondjango-hijack.rtfd.ioPython 1.5K 172
wharton / wagtailgridder Wagtail Gridder is a Bootstrap 4 enabled layout for the Wagtail CMS. Grid Items are created within … bootstrapdjangopythonwagtailwagtail-cmsPython 66 11
ImaginaryLandscape / django-nocaptcha-recaptcha Django nocaptcha recaptcha form field/widget app Python 76 38
philippbosch / django-geoposition Django model field that can hold a geoposition, and corresponding widget django-geoposition.rtfd.org/Python 329 207
nicolargo / glances Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operat… monitoringmulti-platformpythonrestfulrestful-apisystemterminalwebnicolargo.github.io/glances/Python 25.5K 1.5K
django / django-localflavor Country-specific Django helpers, formerly of contrib fame django-localflavor.readthedoc…Python 812 289
adamcharnock / django-tz-detect Easy user timezone detection for Django pypi.python.org/pypi/django-t…Python 215 38
djblets / djblets A collection of useful extensions for Django. djangojavascriptpythonPython 321 73
fcurella / django-social-share templatetags for 'tweet this' and 'share on facebook' Python 223 73
adamcharnock / django-su Login as any user from the Django admin interface, then switch back when done Python 195 46
mbi / django-simple-captcha Django Simple Captcha is an extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django application to add cap… captchadjangopythondjango-simple-captcha.readthe…Python 1.4K 312
Cairnarvon / uptime Cross-platform uptime library for the Python. Python 31 11
mbi / django-rosetta Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects djangogettexti18ninternationalizationpythontranslationPython 1K 191
rq / rq Simple job queues for Python asyncbackground-jobsdelayed-jobsdelayed-tasksjob-queuepythonredisrqtasktask-queueworkerspython-rq.orgPython 9.6K 1.4K
jaraco / path Object-oriented file system path manipulation Python 1.1K 146
dstufft / django-passwordsPython 250 82
jpwatts / django-positions A Django field for custom model ordering. Python 284 71
douban / linguist Language Savant, Python clone of github/linguist. Python 153 37
mhnbcu / wagtailbakery Wagtail Bakery is a SAMPLE module for Wagtail CMS static generation with Django Bakery Python 40 6
encode / django-rest-framework Web APIs for Django. 🎸 apidjangopythonrestwww.django-rest-framework.orgPython 27.8K 6.8K
ansible / ansible Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easie… ansiblehacktoberfestpythonwww.ansible.com/Python 61.7K 23.7K
encode / django-vanilla-views Beautifully simple class-based views. django-vanilla-views.org/Python 983 74
justquick / django-activity-stream Generate generic activity streams from the actions on your site. Users can follow any actors' activ… django-activity-stream.rtfd.i…Python 2.3K 486
django-oscar / django-oscar Domain-driven e-commerce for Django djangodjango-oscarecommerceoscaroscarcommerce.comPython 6.1K 2.2K
dmpayton / django-admin-honeypot :honey_pot: A fake Django admin login screen page. djangopythondjango-admin-honeypot.readthe…Python 1K 184