0 results for repositories written in Shell Clear filter
mkcache make cache file. inspired by 'mktemp' cliShell 1
mac-speech-cache :apple: macOS speech cache climacosShell 1
mac-tag-sync :apple: sync macOS Finder tag paths climacosShell 1
postgres-mktempdb make temp postgres database cliShell
mac-headphones :apple: :headphones: detect if headphones are plugged climacosShell
kill-child-processes :gun: kill child processes cliShell
shell-waitpid :hourglass_flowing_sand: waitpid - wait for process(es) termination cliShell 1
shell-timeout :hourglass_flowing_sand: timeout command cliShell
mac-terminal-interpreter :apple: macOS Terminal.app interpreter climacosShell 1
pid-elapsed :watch: :clock1: :clock2: :clock3: :clock4: :clock5: :clock6: :clock7: :clock8: :clock9: process el… cliShell 1
pipetest pipe + /bin/test cliawss3backupShell 1
launchd-add-logs add launchd.plist logs cliShell 1
launchd-mklogs add launchd.plist logs cliShell 1
dir-exec execute command from every dir cliexecShell
log-exec exec command and log stdout and stderr cliexecShell 1
pid-childs list all child PIDs cliShell 1
macOS-servicesShell 2
macOS-services-disableShell 2
pid-killall :gun: kill process and child processes cliShell 1
npm-register-cli npmjs.com register package cliShell 1
mac-appify :apple: create mac app from a shell script climacosShell 22 3
mac-wallpaper :apple: :sunrise: get/set macOS wallpaper applescriptclimacosShell 3
mac-display :apple: :computer: :zzz: :sunny: macOS display sleep/wake climacosShell 2 1
mac-screensaver :apple: :sunrise: macOS screensaver commands screensaverclimacosapplescriptShell 2
mac-slideshow :sunrise: macOS slideshow screensaver screensaverclimacosapplescriptShell 3
mac-volume :apple: :sound: :mute: :signal_strength: macOS volume applescriptclimacosShell 2
mac-dock :apple: macOS Dock scripts climacosShell 1 1
github-workflows my .github/workflows files Shell
gist-id :octocat: :id: get gist id cliShell 3 3
dotfiles :wrench: my dotfiles Shell 3
ssh-upload :octocat: re-fork git repo Shell
git42 git init, add, commit and push with one command Shell 2
readme-section README.md sections generator Shell
unlicense-text Unlicense text github42.com/andrewp-as-is/Shell
pid-trap execute command after process termination cliShell 1
uebersicht-ip.widget :computer: Übersicht widget - datetime Shell
uebersicht-mac-logs.widget :computer: Übersicht ping widget Shell
mac-open-apps :apple: open multiple macOS apps climacosShell 4
gist-exec :octocat: :zap: execute gist script cliexecShell 1
gist-recreate :octocat: :arrows_counterclockwise: gist recreate cliShell 1
s3-create-user :cloud: :key: create user and policy for S3 bucket cliawss3Shell
templates-s3 :cloud: store templates on S3 cliawss3templatesShell 1
django-static-s3 :snake: :cloud: django static/ S3 cliawss3templatesdjangoShell 1
django-storages-s3-env :cloud: :key: create env for django-storages S3 cliawss3envdjangoShell 1
env-strip :key: strip comments, blank lines and double quotes from env file clienvShell 1
find-python-packages :snake: :package: find python packages names cliShell 1
docker-upload-and-build upload sources to server and build docker image clidockerShell 1
requires42.py requires42.com cli github42.com/andrewp-as-is/Shell 1
readme42.py readme42.com cli github42.com/andrewp-as-is/Shell
tests42 test/run scripts Shell
github-delete-tags delete github tags github42.com/andrewp-as-is/Shell
setup-clean.py python setup.py clean replacement Shell 1
setup-prod.py setup.py production Shell
refork :octocat: re-fork git repo cligitShell 1
execdir run command from multiple directories cliexecShell 1
github-create :octocat: create github repo cligithubShell
github-delete :octocat: delete github repo cligithubShell 1
github-description :octocat: get/set github repo description cligithubShell
github-homepage :octocat: get/set github repo homepage cligithubShell 1
repo-config :package: :wrench: store repo config in dotfiles clidotfilesconfigShell 1
travis-exec :white_check_mark: :zap: execute command for every travis repo traviscliexecShell 1
mac-login-items :apple: :rocket: manage macOS login items climacosShell 5
github-fullname :octocat: get repo github username cligithubShell 1
launchd-generator :rocket: launchd.plist generator climacosgeneratorlaunchdShell 6
launchd-exec :rocket: execute script via launchd and log stdout, stderr climacosexeclaunchdShell 1
commands-generator generate shell commands from scripts cligeneratorShell 3
shell-cache :chart_with_upwards_trend: shell cache clicacheShell 1
backup-to-s3 :floppy_disk: backup to S3 cliawss3backupShell 1
temp-copy :open_file_folder: create a temp copy of a file/directory cliShell 1
temp-untar :open_file_folder: unpack tar archive to a temp directory cliShell 1
tar-diff :open_file_folder: compare two tar archives clipypiShell 1
exec-cache :zap: :chart_with_upwards_trend: cache exec outputs cliexeccacheShell 1
mac-app-factory :apple: :factory: macOS apps mass generator cligeneratormacosfactoryShell
mac-app-path :apple: :open_file_folder: find macOS app path climacosShell 1
mac-app-bundleid :apple: :information_source: :id: get/set macOS app Bundle ID climacosShell 3
travis-image-status :white_check_mark: :x: quickly get travis status from an image. better than a travis client traviscliShell 1
mac-app-frontmost :apple: :information_source: macOS frontmost app info climacosShell 2 1
shell-true-case-path :open_file_folder: get case exact path as stored in the filesystem cliShell 1
launchd-tag :rocket: LaunchAgents Finder tags climacosShell 2
mac-app-pid :apple: :id: get macOS app pid climacosShell 1
mac-app-kill :apple: :gun: kill macOS app(s) by name, bundleID, path climacosShell 1
gist-generator :octocat: github gist generator cligeneratorShell
smart-folder :open_file_folder: smart folder with symlinks cliShell 3
gist-delete :octocat: delete gist(s) by ID cliShell
gist-description :octocat: get/set gist description cliShell 1
uebersicht-ping.widget :computer: Übersicht widget - ping Shell
uebersicht-afk.widget :computer: Übersicht widget - afk time Shell
uebersicht-top-mem.widget :computer: Übersicht widget - top mem processes Shell 1
mac-vlc :apple: :movie_camera: macOS VLC.app scripts cliapplescriptmacosShell 2
mac-itunes :apple: :musical_note: macOS iTunes.app scripts cliapplescriptmacosShell
gitmsg autogenerate git commit message cligitShell 1
pypi-register :snake: register pypi.org project clipypiShell 4