0 results for repositories with topic macos Clear filter
mac-speech-commands.py :apple: extend macOS speech commands macospythonPython
mac-speech-cache :apple: macOS speech cache climacosShell 1
mac-tag-sync :apple: sync macOS Finder tag paths climacosShell 1
mac-headphones :apple: :headphones: detect if headphones are plugged climacosShell
mac-terminal-interpreter :apple: macOS Terminal.app interpreter climacosShell 1
launchd-plist.py :rocket: launchd.plist class macospythonlaunchdPython
mac-appify :apple: create mac app from a shell script climacosShell 22 3
webloc.py :link: read/write .webloc files climacospythonPython 4
mac-wallpaper :apple: :sunrise: get/set macOS wallpaper applescriptclimacosShell 3
applescript.py :apple: :snake: run applescript applescriptpythonmacosPython 67 4
growlnotify.py :bell: growlnotify (Growl.app cli) python wrapper macospythonPython
itunes.py :snake: :musical_note: iTunes.app (macOS) cliapplescriptpythonmacosPython 1
mac-say.py :apple: :speech_balloon: :loudspeaker: macOS tts. 'say' python interface climacospythonPython 29 2
mac-tag.py :apple: :open_file_folder: :hash: macOS Finder tags. github.com/jdberry/tag python implementation macospythonPython 17 5
launchagents.py :rocket: LaunchAgents python interface macospythonlaunchdPython 2
mac-display :apple: :computer: :zzz: :sunny: macOS display sleep/wake climacosShell 2 1
mac-screensaver :apple: :sunrise: macOS screensaver commands screensaverclimacosapplescriptShell 2
mdfind.py :mag: mdfind wrapper macospythonPython 6
mac-afk.py :apple: :watch: get macOS afk time climacospythonafkPython 1
mac-slideshow :sunrise: macOS slideshow screensaver screensaverclimacosapplescriptShell 3
mac-volume :apple: :sound: :mute: :signal_strength: macOS volume applescriptclimacosShell 2
mac-desktop.py :apple: :computer: macOS desktop show/hide applescriptclimacospythonPython 2
mac-youtube.py :apple: macOS youtube download, Google Chrome.app play/pause applescriptclimacospythonPython 5
ubersicht.py python + Ubersicht.app (MacOS) macospythonubersicht-widgetPython 7 1
mac-dock :apple: macOS Dock scripts climacosShell 1 1
sublime-terminal-command :pencil: run .command file in Terminal.app (macOS) macossublime-text 2
mac-localized.py :apple: :uk: :de: :es: :fr: :it: :ru: :jp: :cn: macOS '.localized' localized folder name macospythonPython
mac-logs.py :apple: :mag: ~/Library/Logs macOS .log files climacospythonPython 1
mac-colors.py :apple: macOS Finder color tags climacospythonPython 6
mac-finder :apple: macOS Finder scripts applescriptclimacosfinderAppleScript 10
mac-agents.py :apple: LaunchAgents + python climacospythonPython 3
gistsgmailawspippythonmacossysctlcertbotdockerubuntualpinedjangopostgresqlnginxgithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python 1
mac-open-apps :apple: open multiple macOS apps climacosShell 4
mac-brave :apple: :link: macOS Brave Browser.app scripts cliapplescriptmacosAppleScript 1
mac-opera :apple: :link: macOS Opera.app scripts cliapplescriptmacosAppleScript 1
launchd-env.py :rocket: manage launchd.plist environment variables clipythonenvmacoslaunchdPython 1
mac-login-items :apple: :rocket: manage macOS login items climacosShell 5
launchd-generator :rocket: launchd.plist generator climacosgeneratorlaunchdShell 6
launchd-exec :rocket: execute script via launchd and log stdout, stderr climacosexeclaunchdShell 1
launchctl.py :rocket: launchctl python interface macospythonlaunchdPython 3
mac-app-generator.py :apple: Mac app generator climacospythongeneratorPython 1
mac-comment.py :apple: :open_file_folder: :pencil: macOS Finder comments climacospythonPython 2
mac-app-factory :apple: :factory: macOS apps mass generator cligeneratormacosfactoryShell
mac-app-env.py :apple: set macOS app environment variables (Info.plist LSEnvironment) pythonclimacosenvPython 1
mac-app-path :apple: :open_file_folder: find macOS app path climacosShell 1
mac-app-bundleid :apple: :information_source: :id: get/set macOS app Bundle ID climacosShell 3
mac-app-frontmost :apple: :information_source: macOS frontmost app info climacosShell 2 1
launchd-tag :rocket: LaunchAgents Finder tags climacosShell 2
mac-app-pid :apple: :id: get macOS app pid climacosShell 1
mac-app-kill :apple: :gun: kill macOS app(s) by name, bundleID, path climacosShell 1
mac-vlc :apple: :movie_camera: macOS VLC.app scripts cliapplescriptmacosShell 2
mac-itunes :apple: :musical_note: macOS iTunes.app scripts cliapplescriptmacosShell
mac-chrome :apple: :link: macOS Google Chrome.app scripts cliapplescriptmacoschromeAppleScript 15 2
osascript.py :apple: :snake: osascript (AppleScript) python implementation applescriptpythonmacosPython 35 3
only.py @only.<OS> decorator. raise OSError if not supported OS macospythonPython 1