0 results for repositories with topic python Clear filter
mac-speech-commands.py :apple: extend macOS speech commands macospythonPython
django-passwordless-user.py Django User model without password field pythondjangoPython 2
slicedict.py :snake: slice dict by keys pythonPython
find.py find files and dirs pythonPython 1 1
launchd-plist.py :rocket: launchd.plist class macospythonlaunchdPython
webloc.py :link: read/write .webloc files climacospythonPython 4
mktouch.py :open_file_folder: mkdir+touch clipythonPython 1
runcmd.py :snake: :zap: run shell command pythonPython 5
timedelta.py datetime.timedelta replacement pythonPython 2
badge.py badge generator pythonreadmePython 1 6
format-keys.py :snake: extract keys from a python format string pythonstringPython
shields.py shields.io badges pythonreadmePython 5 5
plural-ru.py :ru: russian plurals clipythonPython 4
applescript.py :apple: :snake: run applescript applescriptpythonmacosPython 67 4
detect.py :snake: :microscope: detect OS and Python versions pythonPython 6
growlnotify.py :bell: growlnotify (Growl.app cli) python wrapper macospythonPython
git-status.py :octocat: 'git status' parser pythongitPython
mkdir.py :open_file_folder: mkdir pythonPython
django-replace.py django replace filter pythondjangoPython
recursion-detect.py :snake: detect recursion pythonPython 2
itunes.py :snake: :musical_note: iTunes.app (macOS) cliapplescriptpythonmacosPython 1
mac-say.py :apple: :speech_balloon: :loudspeaker: macOS tts. 'say' python interface climacospythonPython 29 2
mac-tag.py :apple: :open_file_folder: :hash: macOS Finder tags. github.com/jdberry/tag python implementation macospythonPython 17 5
values.py :snake: values.get(input) - create list from input pythonPython 1 1
columnate.py :snake: :abc: :white_small_square: :abc: :white_small_square: :abc: columnate lists pythonPython
launchagents.py :rocket: LaunchAgents python interface macospythonlaunchdPython 2
connection.pypythongithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python 3 3
mdfind.py :mag: mdfind wrapper macospythonPython 6
exit.py register function to be executed at termination pythonPython
mac-afk.py :apple: :watch: get macOS afk time climacospythonafkPython 1
pgrep.py :id: pgrep python wrapper pythonPython 4 2
kill.py :gun: /bin/kill python wrapper pythonPython 1
mac-desktop.py :apple: :computer: macOS desktop show/hide applescriptclimacospythonPython 2
mac-youtube.py :apple: macOS youtube download, Google Chrome.app play/pause applescriptclimacospythonPython 5
ubersicht.py python + Ubersicht.app (MacOS) macospythonubersicht-widgetPython 7 1
elapsed.py :snake: :clock1: :clock2: :clock3: :clock4: :clock5: :clock6: :clock7: :clock8: :clock9: elapsed ti… pythonPython 3
git-remote.py :octocat: git remote pythongitPython 1
mac-localized.py :apple: :uk: :de: :es: :fr: :it: :ru: :jp: :cn: macOS '.localized' localized folder name macospythonPython
mac-logs.py :apple: :mag: ~/Library/Logs macOS .log files climacospythonPython 1
mac-colors.py :apple: macOS Finder color tags climacospythonPython 6
listify.py :snake: @listify decorator - return a list instead of a generator pythonPython 1 1
mdown.py markdown generator pythonPython 1
mac-agents.py :apple: LaunchAgents + python climacospythonPython 3
django-admin-parent-filter.py django admin parent filter pythondjangoPython
env-file.py :key: .env file handler. required for django, docker, etc envpythonPython 2 2
github-webhooks.py :octocat: github webhooks cligithubpythonPython 1
supervisor-logs.py supervisor logs clipythonPython
ini2dict.py read ini file into a dictionary pythonPython
python-aiohttp-redis-client python aiohttp client with redis queue redisaiohttppythonPython
gistsgmailawspippythonmacossysctlcertbotdockerubuntualpinedjangopostgresqlnginxgithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python 1
print-imports.py Print every python import pythoncachePython
django-template-cli.py CLI tool to render django template files clipythondjangoPython 1
django-createsuperuser.py :key: createsuperuser with password clipythondjangoPython 4 1
import-env-file.py import .env file environment variables into python envpythonPython
django-postgres-createdb.py :snake: :elephant: create postgres database clipythondjangoPython 2
django-postgres-dropdb.py :snake: :elephant: drop postgres database clipythondjangoPython 1 1
django-find-apps.py find django apps pythondjangoPython
django-makesuperuser.py :key: manage.py makesuperuser --username admin --password admin clipythondjangoPython 1
env2json.py :key: .env -> .env.json pythonclienvPython 1 1
pipreqs-update.py :snake: :new: update pip requirements file with latest versions clipythonPython 1
django-embed-gist.py :octocat: embed gist pythondjangoPython
django-base-url.py :page_facing_up: :link: {{ BASE_URL }} django template variable pythondjangoPython
django-remark42.py :pencil2: django remark42 comments pythondjangoPython 2
django-templates-variables.py Django templates variables settings pythondjangoPython
github-colors.py Github colors for all the programming languages githubpythonPython
django-github-colors.py Github colors for all the programming languages githubpythondjangoPython
django-update-from-dict.py Update Django model from dictionary pythondjangoPython
kv-cache.py key value cache pythoncachePython
django-loadsql.py load sql file(s) clipythondjangoPython 1
requests-etag-cache.py requests etag cache pythoncachePython 2 1
django-traceback.py Traceback model and utils pythondjangoPython 1 1
setuppy-generator.py :package: :snake: setup.py generator cligeneratorpythonsetuptoolsPython 12
github-octolytics.py :octocat: github octolytics parser githubpythonPython 1
django-listview-queryset.py ListView QuerySet with custom `count()` pythondjangoPython 1
django-site-id-middleware.py auto settings.SITE_ID middleware pythondjangoPython
django-site-local-middleware.py adds '.local:port' to the site domain links for local development if settings.DEBUG is True pythondjangoPython
django-template-url-optional.py django url tag with optional arguments pythondjangoPython
django-postgres-reindex-command.py reindex postgres indexes using django command pythondjangoPython 2 1
django-postgres-matviews-commands.py Django postgres matviews commands (REFRESH, DROP) pythondjangoPython
django-installed-apps-command.py prints settings.INSTALLED_APPS pythondjangoPython
django-daemon-command.py django DaemonCommand pythondjangoPython 1 1
django-context-extra-view.py context extra data pythondjangoPython
django-split-listview.py split Django ListView queryset pythondjangoPython
django-next-view.py Django view redirect mixin ?next=url pythondjangoPython
django-passwordless-auth.py Django passwordless auth pythondjangoPython 1
django-configurations-ec2.py django-configurations AWS EC2 settings - ALLOWED_HOSTS and LOGGING pythondjangogithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python
django-dev-urls.py Django development urlpatterns pythondjangogithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python
django-github-oauth.py Django github OAuth githubpythondjangogithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python 1
django-configurations-base.py django-configurations base settings pythondjangogithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python
django-configurations-templates.py django-configurations templates settings pythondjangogithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python
django-configurations-celery.py django-configurations Celery settings pythondjangogithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python
django-configurations-celery-app.py django-configurations Celery app pythondjangogithub42.com/andrewp-as-is/Python
travis-env.py :white_check_mark: Travis CI environment variables travisclienvpythonPython
direnv.py :open_file_folder: direnv (environment switcher) python implementation envpythonPython 6 2
github-remote.py :octocat: manage github remote urls cligithubpythonPython 1
github-topics.py :octocat: manage github repo topics cligithubpythonPython 1
launchd-env.py :rocket: manage launchd.plist environment variables clipythonenvmacoslaunchdPython 1
github-repos.py :octocat: get user github repos cligithubpythonPython 1
travis-cron.py :white_check_mark: :clock1: :clock2: :clock3: :clock4: manage travis crons travisclipythonPython 1
django-standalone-setup.py call django.setup() for standalone usage pythondjangoPython 1 1
xdg-cache.py :snake: :chart_with_upwards_trend: $XDG_CACHE_HOME read/write files pythoncachePython 1 1
setupcfg-generator.py :package: :snake: setup.cfg generator cligeneratorpythonsetuptoolsPython 9
replace.py :snake: multiple replace pythonstringPython 4
readme-docstring.py :book: generate README from python docstrings clipythonreadmePython 2
markdown-table.py markown table generator markdownpythonPython 4
writable-property.py :snake: writable property pythonPython
launchctl.py :rocket: launchctl python interface macospythonlaunchdPython 3
mac-app-generator.py :apple: Mac app generator climacospythongeneratorPython 1
symlink.py :open_file_folder: symlinks management pythonPython
list-imports.py :snake: list python file imports clipythonPython 6 2
control-characters.py :snake: remove control characters from a string pythonstringPython 1
rmdir.py :open_file_folder: recursively delete empty directories pythonPython
getdirs.py :open_file_folder: get all dirs in the directory and subdirectories pythonPython
getfiles.py :open_file_folder: get all files in the directory and subdirectories pythonPython
django-subcommands.py Django subcommands pythondjangoPython 4
django-s3-static.py store Django Static Files on Amazon S3 awspythons3djangoPython 1
markdown-link-extractor.py :link: extract links from markdown files markdownclipythonPython 8 1
jsfiddle-build.py :violin: build html file from jsfiddle files clipythonjsfiddlePython 1
jsfiddle-generator.py :violin: generate jsfiddle files cligeneratorpythonjsfiddlePython 1
markdown-lists.py render markdown nested lists markdownpythonPython 2 1
chrome-bookmarks.py :link: Google Chrome bookmarks helper pythonchromePython 36 9
django-manage.py standalone global manage.py clipythondjangoPython 1
mac-comment.py :apple: :open_file_folder: :pencil: macOS Finder comments climacospythonPython 2
load.py :snake: load python module from a file pythonPython
popd.py :open_file_folder: @popd decorator. restore previous current directory pythonPython
jsfiddle-github.py :violin: :octocat: jsfiddle github integration helper githubpythonjsfiddlePython
jsfiddle-readme-generator.py :violin: :book: generate jsfiddle README.md cligeneratorpythonjsfiddlePython 1
jsfiddle-factory.py :violin: :factory: jsfiddle mass generator cligeneratorpythonfactoryPython 1
mac-app-env.py :apple: set macOS app environment variables (Info.plist LSEnvironment) pythonclimacosenvPython 1
filetest.py :open_file_folder: file test functions pythonPython
true-case-path.py :open_file_folder: get case exact path as stored in the filesystem pythonPython 1
gists_id.py :octocat: :id: get gists id clipythonPython 1 1
cp.py :open_file_folder: cp(source,target,force=True) function pythonPython 1
dict.py :snake: dict replacement pythonPython 8 2
osascript.py :apple: :snake: osascript (AppleScript) python implementation applescriptpythonmacosPython 35 3
public.py :snake: replace '__all__' with '@public.add' decorator pythonPython 14 2
pypi-xmlrpc.py :snake: pypi XML-RPC clipythonpypiPython 1 1
rm.py :open_file_folder: rm(path) function - remove files and directories pythonPython 2
rreplace.py :snake: rreplace(string,old,new,count=None) - right replace pythonstringPython 1
cached.py cached(function) - cache function pythoncachePython
self.py @self decorator makes method return self (jQuery-like chaining) pythonPython 4 1
shebang.py get script shebang pythonPython 1
stdin.py stdin.size(), stdin.read() functions pythonPython 1
temp.py :open_file_folder: :snake: temp.tempdir(), temp.tempfile() functions pythonPython 1 2
touch.py :open_file_folder: touch(path) - update the access and modification date of a path(s) pythonPython 3 1
write.py :open_file_folder: write(path,content) - open.write replacement. Creates directory if it doesn't ex… pythonPython 1 1
query-string.py :link: get url query string dict pythonPython 3 1
only.py @only.<OS> decorator. raise OSError if not supported OS macospythonPython 1
accepts.py :snake: @accepts decorator to check arguments types pythonPython 4 1
rstvalidator.py :book: .rst (reStructuredText) validator clipythonvalidatorPython 6
lowerdict.py :snake: lowercase dict pythonPython
setupcfg.py :package: :snake: setup.cfg helper clipythonsetuptoolsPython 3
orderdict.py :snake: order dict pythonPython 1